By: Admin

Comprehensive Guide to International SEO for E-commerce Businesses


The ever-expanding global marketplace presents a vast opportunity for e-commerce brands to expand their reach and tap into international markets. However, businesses must embrace a powerful international SEO strategy to thrive in these new territories. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of international SEO and provide invaluable insights on how e-commerce enterprises can leverage it to achieve resounding global success.

Understanding International SEO

International SEO refers to the process of optimizing a website to rank higher in search engine results for international audiences in different countries and languages. It goes beyond traditional SEO practices and involves addressing diverse linguistic and cultural preferences, search behaviours, and local search engine algorithms.

The importance of international SEO cannot be understated. It allows e-commerce businesses to extend their customer base, increase brand visibility, and boost their revenue by exploring untapped markets. International SEO is crucial for e-commerce businesses seeking to expand their global footprint. Embracing international SEO can open new avenues of growth and make your brand more competitive on a global scale.

5 Best Practices for International SEO:


  1. URL Structure:

When targeting a particular country with your website, webmasters can employ several URL structures. Each option comes with its own set of pros and cons, as well as implications for international SEO. Let’s take a closer look at these different URL structures and how search engines interpret them:

    1. ccTLDs (Country Code Top-Level Domain):

These are two-letter codes to indicate the country or region a website is registered in. Google treats ccTLDs as strong indicators of country targeting.

Example: for the United Kingdom, for France

Pros: This method provides the clearest signals for search engines, helping you attain rankings in local search engines

Cons: You need to build and establish authority for each domain individually. Additionally, it can prove expensive to maintain

    1. Subdomain:

Refers to a third-level domain that may or may not pass link equity from the root domain.

Example: for the United Kingdom, for France.

Pros: Easier to maintain than ccTLDs

Cons: Using localized domain structures may result in weaker targeting signals compared to ccTLDs. Moreover, implementing localized strategies can be more challenging and fragmented.

    1. Subdirectory:

The international content is placed in a subdirectory of the main domain.

Example: for the United Kingdom, for France.

Pros: It is easier to maintain than ccTLDs. It also provides stronger signals to search engines compared to using a subdomain. Websites utilizing subdirectories have a higher chance of achieving faster rankings when launched in a new market.

Cons: It may result in weaker signals to search engines as compared to ccTLDs. Furthermore, new market launches could dilute the authority of smaller markets, as all are placed under the same domain.

    1. gTLD with Language Parameters:

A general top-level domain is targeted to language speakers using URL parameters. Requires appending a language parameter to the URL.

Example: for the United Kingdom, for French content.

Pros: It offers a less diluted domain authority than ccTLDs and subdomain options.

Cons: This method can get messy and requires regular checking to keep it up to date.

    1. Different Domain:

Internationalized content is posted on an entirely different domain, which is frequently employed when the target country utilizes a different language or requires specific branding. For instance, a website might use the domain to cater to French-speaking audiences. This approach ensures a clear distinction and localization for the targeted country or region.

Example: for French content.

Pros: Provides the clearest signals for search engines. They also offer flexibility in implementing localised strategies and branding, enabling businesses to cater to different markets effectively.

Cons: It can become difficult to maintain a strong association with the parent brand. Additionally, it could lead to competition between it and the parent domain for search rankings.


  1. Hreflang tag:

Hreflang tags serve as a powerful signal to search engines that there are alternate versions of a webpage available for different languages or regional audiences. These tags help search engines understand which version of a page to display to users based on their language and location preferences.

Google provides three different methods for implementing Hreflang attributes on a website: using HTML tags, HTTP headers, or a sitemap. Among these options, using an XML sitemap is often preferred for large e-commerce websites because it directly serves the information to Google without relying on page loading. It’s essential to choose only one of these methods to maintain consistency, as conflicting options may cause Google to disregard the hreflang tags altogether.

The tags contain language and regional codes, such as “en-us” for English speakers in the United States or “fr-fr” for French speakers in France. By specifying these codes, webmasters inform search engines about the language and country they are targeting. Hreflang Tags are crucial for e-commerce websites targeting multiple countries. Without these tags, it becomes challenging for search engines to properly rank pages based on user queries in specific languages or regions. This can result in less visibility and traffic for the website.


  1. Forced Redirects:

Forced redirect refers to a technique used by websites to automatically divert users to a specific page or version of the site based on their IP address or location. While forced redirect may seem like a convenient way to direct users to the most relevant content based on their location, it can have negative implications for both SEO and user experience.

Search engines like Google crawl websites from specific IP addresses, so when they encounter forced redirect, they may be directed to a specific version of the site and miss out on indexing the content from other versions targeted at different countries. This can hinder the site’s visibility and may lead to low ranking in international markets.

From a user’s perspective, a forced redirect can be frustrating and confusing. Users may prefer to access content from a different country or language version of the site, but forced redirect takes away their choice and automatically directs them elsewhere. This can lead to a less satisfactory user experience and can contribute to higher bounce rates.


  1. Create an International Blog:

Creating an international blog can help you implement strategies for international SEO in a much more organic manner. It offers several benefits that can significantly enhance a brand’s online presence and reach in global markets. Some of the key advantages include:

    • Catering to Local Audiences: An international blog allows businesses to produce content tailored to the specific interests, preferences, and cultural nuances of different target markets. By addressing local topics and concerns, the blog can resonate more effectively with local audiences, leading to higher engagement and better connections.
    • Language and SEO Alignment: When the blog content aligns with the language and region of the target market, it becomes more relevant to local search queries. This alignment with local SEO practices increases the chances of the blog appearing in search results and reaching the intended audience.
    • Enhancing Brand Authority: Consistent and valuable content on the international blog establishes a brand’s authority and expertise in each market. As readers find valuable information, they are more likely to view the brand as a trusted source, which can foster brand loyalty and recognition.
    • Expanding Organic Reach: With optimized content for each market, the international blog increases the website’s organic reach in different regions. It attracts more organic traffic and potentially leads to higher conversions and sales.
    • Building Local Backlinks: As the international blog caters to specific markets, it becomes an attractive source for local backlinks from relevant websites and influencers in those regions. These local backlinks can improve the website’s authority and boost search rankings.
    • Local PR and Outreach Opportunities: Creating engaging and informative content on the international blog opens doors to local PR and outreach opportunities. Local media, bloggers, and influencers may find the content share-worthy, leading to increased exposure and visibility.
    • Gaining Insights into Local Markets: Analysing the performance and feedback from the international blog provides valuable insights into the interests and needs of different markets. This data can inform future marketing strategies and product localization efforts.
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  1. Back-linking:

International backlinks are a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of international SEO, offering the potential for quick and valuable gains. To optimize the impact of such backlinks, it is essential to guide international publishers and websites in linking to the relevant language or location variation of your website. For instance, if you receive coverage from a UK website, encouraging them to link to your /uk/ or .uk version of the site serves two purposes:

    1. Maximizing Link Value:

By directing the backlink to your UK site directly, you ensure that the link value remains undiluted by other versions of your site, like the UK or French versions.

    1. Enhanced User Experience:

Redirecting readers to the appropriate language version aligns with their reading preference, offering a better user experience. For example, if they are reading content in Dutch, it is logical for them to land on the Dutch version of your website.


Creating and managing backlinks should be an ongoing effort. It should be reviewed regularly, preferably on a bi-annual basis. By strategically managing international backlinks, businesses can harness their full potential in boosting search rankings and expanding global visibility.


How to Determine If You Require International SEO for Your Business?

Not every e-commerce business may need to embark on an international SEO journey. To determine if it is the right path for your business, the best method is to analyse your website’s traffic. This will help you identify the countries from which you receive significant visits. If you notice a growing interest in international regions, it may be a sign that you should invest in international SEO tactics.



International SEO provides businesses today with a golden opportunity to expand their horizons and thrive in global markets. By navigating the unique challenges and opportunities it presents, e-commerce enterprises can strategically position themselves for success. By harnessing the potential of international SEO, your e-commerce business can conquer new markets, expand its global reach, and achieve unparalleled success on the world stage.

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