By: Admin

Search Engine Optimise Your Blog To Gain More Organic Traffic


Writing content is one of the best techniques for ensuring increased traffic to your website. But there are plenty of blogs containing well-written content which are not performing as per their true potential. There are two reasons for the same namely:

  • It takes a long time, in fact sometimes even months, to gain traffic from a blog which has just been started and
  • The blog content is not optimised as per search engine requirements.

Also Read: How to Successfully Predict Organic Traffic on Your Website with High Accuracy?

Since starting a blog takes a long time to generate positive ROI, it is better to improve the condition of the content already uploaded and search engine optimise it so as to generate more traffic. It is a known fact that nearly 80% of organic traffic gets generated in the form of a search query. In fact statistically, it has been seen that there are more than 3.5 billion search queries received by Google on a daily basis. This is quite a huge number and in order to capitalise on this, the search engine needs to rank the blog at least within the top half of the first page primarily because statistics clearly indicate that 70% of Google users never look past the first page of the search results. It is thus very important to increase the visibility of a website by ensuring that blogs uploaded on the websites follow certain proven SEO tactics, techniques and strategies.

Some very effective ways by which blogs can double their flow of organic traffic are:

  • Conducting an SEO audit: Auditing in SEO parlance refers to a growth hack technique that helps website owners to:
    • Ensure web traffic flows to their website,
    • Facilitates conversions of the same and
    • Enables the website to retain its customers.

Thus conducting an SEO audit effectively enables the website owner to examine the performance of his website on the basis of:

  • The presence of meta tags and meta descriptions,
  • Whether it contains SEO keywords,
  • If the URL is search engine optimised,
  • The formatting of the blog post and webpage,
  • The correct use of Alt image tags etc

Once the lacuna is established, it can be taken care of and the blog can be made to generate more traffic than it is currently generating.

  • Creating viral content: This is a speciality which most people strive for yet many fail. This is because most people are unaware of the 3 little secrets which enable a person to create these viral contents. These secrets pertain to:
    • Headline writing: Since the title is the first thing that catches the reader’s eye, it is very important to ensure a perfect headline for the blog so that the reader gets hooked onto it.
    • Content length: It is said that more words directly translate to more SEO opportunities and better conversion rates. Thus posts which are over 1000 words long get the most shares because they tend to stand out, are better researched and contain almost all information in one post.
    • Killer idea: This is the most important secret for generating viral content. In order to ensure a killer idea, it is important to understand what the audience wants and generate ideas from reviews, comments, content curation etc.
  • Domination of long-tailed keywords: For any blog to be effective one needs to conduct a keyword search related to the topic of the blog. In order to ensure the search is effective, one needs to create a spreadsheet with the URL and the associated keyword put in consecutive columns. This spreadsheet will give the blogger a fair idea on the volume and competition and will also statistically prove that long-tailed keywords make for more accurate and precise searches. On the other hand short keywords tend to be vague and generic thereby not creating much of an impact on the user.

In fact, long researching long-tailed keywords will also enable the blogger to:

  • Understand the searcher’s intention and need,
  • Generate content based on the needs and the intent of the user and
  • Help meet the specific need of the searcher.
  • Email traffic generation: It has been calculated that currently there are over 3.7 billion active email accounts present globally and emails sent on a daily basis tend to be more than 269 billion. That is an extremely huge number and experts are of the opinion that every $1 spent on using email as a marketing agent generates a revenue of about $32. But this is only possible if one has an email list which is specialised and elite and the blogger takes care to nurture it to remain active and open so that they respond to emails sent by the blogger.
  • Restructuring the posts: In order to understand how receptive the readers have been to a blog that has been uploaded, the blogger needs to read the comments and reviews left by them. Generally lesser number of comments or something as generic as a “Nice post” comment means that readers were not impressed with the content. Thus the content needs to be restructured to speak in the same language as the core audience. Only then will they be willingly able to promote, like and share the concerned blogger’s content thereby increasing organic traffic.

Also Read: 7 Unbeaten SEO Tips To Earn Traffic & Leads In Real Estate Sector For 2018

Following the above guidelines and working on them will definitely help increase the flow of traffic to a blog. Once the same is achieved, the blogger needs to generate more viral content to keep them interested.

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